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Free Air Force ROTC scholarships 2016 - Free scholarships 2016


Air Force ROTC is a college program offered at more than 1,100 colleges and universities across the U.S. It prepares you to become an Air Force Officer while earning a college degree. And it gives you the opportunity to get the tuition money you need. But more than that—it’s a challenge, a head start on a lifetime of success, within the Air Force and in everything you choose to do.
In Air Force ROTC, you’ll make the most of your college experience. You’ll hone your time-management skills, analytical skills and physical fitness. It won’t be easy. But if you’re up to the challenge, the rewards will last a lifetime.
There are three different types of scholarships, and the application process is the same for all of them.
Type 1—Pays full college tuition, most fees and a book allowance. Approximately five percent of our four-year scholarships are Type 1—mostly in technical fields as deemed needed by the Air Force (careers with a scientific basis such as engineering, chemistry and meteorology).
Type 2—Pays college tuition and most fees up to $18,000 and a book allowance. Approximately 15 percent of our four-year scholarship winners will be offered a Type 2 scholarship (again, mostly in technical fields). If a student attends an institution where the tuition exceeds $18,000 per year, then he/she pays the difference.
Type 7—Pays college tuition up to the equivalent of a public school’s in-state rate and a book allowance. If a student receives a Type 7 offer but wishes to attend a college/university where they do not qualify under the guidelines, the student can convert the four-year Type 7 scholarship to a three-year Type 2 scholarship. You cannot activate a Type 7 scholarship at a nonqualifying school and pay the difference.


Three- and four-year scholarships are available. All four-year scholarships activate in the fall of your freshman year.
All three-year scholarships activate in the fall of your sophomore year. The only three-year type of scholarship offered is Type 2. All three-year scholarship designees must complete AFROTC training during their freshman year in order to retain eligibility to activate their scholarships at the start of their sophomore year.


If you are a high school student graduating in 2016, the High School Scholarship Application is currently open. To apply for an Air Force ROTC scholarship, you must have your application submitted online before midnight, December 1. Once you have applied, you must download, complete and upload required forms to our website. The deadline to upload these is January 12. Apply for the High School Scholarship Programhere.
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