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monbusho scholarship - Monbukagakusho Research Scholarship

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Research students: You must be under 35 years of age and a college graduate (includes prospective graduates). Or you must have completed 16 years of schooling. This programs allows the recipients to apply for a Graduate Degree Program (Masters and/or PhD) given that they passed their assigned University's entrance examination.
Teacher training students: You must be under 35 years of age and a graduate of a college or teacher training college. You must have at least five years of active experience as a teacher in a primary, secondary or teacher training college in your country. (Please note that college and university teachers currently in active service are not considered for this scholarship).

I was awarded with Monbusho scholarship for a period of 2 years from 2008 to 2010 as a research student preparing to enter into PhD programme in a Japanese private university.
and its WORK PERFCT !!!!!!

if you want realy to  get what you want GET THIS :

When you will work you will never regret for any Money you was Spending like ME !!!!

Future Monbukagakusho Research Scholarship Applicant:

Want to pursue (post)graduate studies in Japan with a Monbukagakusho Research Scholarship?

The Monbukagskusho Scholarship (also known as Monbusho Scholarship, MEXT Scholarship or Japanese Government Scholarship) is the dream of thousands of students worldwide. Established in 1954 and offered by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), it is a scholarship that covers full tuition and very generous monthly stipend for accepted students to attend internationally respected universities in Japan, pursue their academic interests, and receive degrees and qualifications in their respective studies. To date, more than 75,000 students from approximately 160 countries have received this prestigious scholarship and studied at top universities in Japan.

Proficiency in Japanese is not necessarily a prerequisite for receiving a Monbusho Research Scholarship, (in fact I’ve heard that some people have gotten the scholarship despite knowing no Japanese whatsoever) but nevertheless all applicants who make it to the interview stage are required to take a three-part Japanese test. In the U.S., applicants also have the option to take an English proficiency test if they choose (I believe in countries where English is not spoke as a native language, this additional test is required).

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