
all easy scholarships

Imagine Cup Games Competition $50 - 2014 - 2015

Deadline: 4/30/14
Ages: College Freshman to Graduate Year 5

The Imagine Cup Games Competition is available to students with an interest in video game design.
To enter the contest you, or your team, must submit a desktop or tablet game using Windows, or a mobile game using Windows Phone, or a browser game using Windows Azure.
Games can support multiple languages as long as English is represented and be no bigger than 500MB to be eligible entries.

Noet Humanities Scholarship $500

Deadline: 4/15/14
Ages: College Freshman to Graduate Year 5

The Noet Humanities Scholarship is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring in a humanities field.
You must be currently enrolled in a humanities program and submit your information on the sponsors website i order to qualify for this award.

Castle Ink Paperless Scholarship – $1,000

Deadline: 5/1/14
Ages: College Freshman to Graduate Year 5

The Castle Ink Paperless Scholarship is available to entering and current college students.
To be considered, you must submit of picture of something cool that you made out of used printer ink cartridges, laser toner, or your old printer.
You may also apply by submitting a message via social media about recycling and / or how you reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Anthem Essay Contest – $2,000

Deadline: 3/20/14
Ages: 14-16 Years 
The Anthem Essay Contest is open to 8th, 9th and 10th grade students.
To be eligible for this award, you must write an essay of no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words on a topic about Ayn Rand’s novelette, “Anthem.”
The winning essay must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of “Anthem.”
Essays are judged on both style and content.

The NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program - NASA scholarships 2014 - 2015

NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a career in the field of aeronautics. It is a renewable scholarship for U.S. citizens and nationals.

Undergraduate students must be enrolled or accepted at a U.S. accredited college or university. Awards to both undergraduate and graduate students are based on academics, leadership qualities, membership in honor societies and a strong interest in the field of aeronautics.

Students applying must be prepared to explain their long-term professional goals and how the scholarship will help them. In addition, students will need to complete an essay on the greatest technical challenges to the field of aeronautics and how they propose to address them.

Undergraduate students receive a $15,000 per year scholarship and a $10,000 summer internship at a NASA research center. Graduate students receive a $11,000 per year scholarship, a $10,000 summer internship at a NASA research center, and a $35,000 stipend. Both undergraduate and graduate will also receive two years of additional support from the scholarship program.

The deadline for this scholarship is usually in JANUARY of each year, and the award amount is usually $15,000.

For more details, visit http://nasa.asee.org

The Facts about Fees Student Loans 2014 - 2015

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