
all easy scholarships

Horatio Alger Association Scholarship

The only requirements here are the drive to go to college and a minimum GPA of 2.0.

if you can't handle that, then should you really even need a scholarship for anything?
Scholarships are awarded by state level and can change depending on location.

College athletics - NCAA

College athletics are kind of a big deal, and athletic scholarships a big part of that. 
Although the NCAA itself does not award athletic scholarships, 
NCAA schools are responsible for more than $1.5 billion in athletic scholarships annually. 
You heard right: one and a half billion dollars in scholarship money every year
These scholarships can cover almost anything,
 from tuition, fees, room and board, to course-related books, offering many student athletes an absolute free ride.

Miss America - scholarship programs

  • Miss America is easily one of the largest and most visible scholarship programs in the world. Although scholarly pursuits are often overshadowed by glitz and glamour
  • the Miss American Organization is responsible for millions upon millions of scholarship aid at the local, state, and national level.

  •  Just last year, the organization had more than $45 million to give

  • The organization offers several different types of scholarships, including Miss America Scholar, Miss America Community Service Scholarship, Quality of Life Awards,

  • the Dr. & Mrs. David B. Allman Scholarship, and the Eugenia Vellner Fischer Award for the Performing Arts.

United Negro College Fund

  • The United Negro College Fund is famous for providing the scholarship funds necessary to send more than 60,000 students to college each year. 

  • Through 400 different scholarship and internship programs, low and moderate income students are able to go to school when they otherwise might not have been able to.

  •  One of the most impressive scholarship programs the United Negro College Fund offers is the Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards.

  • with awards ranging from $35,000 all the way to $85,000 for students in bioscience and biotechnology.

The Gates Foundation

  • The Gates Foundation has an impressive portfolio of scholarship programs available to students. In addition to various university donations.

  • The Gates Foundation has created scholarships like the $210 million Gates Cambridge Scholarships.

  • $1.5 billion Gates Millennium Scholars, and $122 million D.C. Achievers Scholarships.

Fast Five easy tips to help your child find scholarships

  1. Start early and organize
  2. Use multiple resources to find scholarship information
  3. Encourage your child to apply
  4. Make it easy to apply 
  5. Commit one day a week for scholarships  

Future Farmers of America

  • Participating in Future Farmers of America is about so much more than agriculture; it’s raising money for school, too. 
  • This organization sends future farmers to school with the financial support they need, to the tune of $2 million every year with more than 1,000 scholarships available.