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One of the very important questions that should be answered is: If my brain while I simply shrinks with age, is there a way to compensate for that? Yes! There are ways to maintain the health of your brain, even when advancing age, has shown that your body starts to decline, while advancing age, and one of the examples of what is going on while aging is the loss of a large amount of muscle mass, which is directly related to the process of offering our bodies "standard" age. All However, there are ways to prevent this collapse., for example, can reduce the size of the muscle mass that lose together regularly in the activities of lifting weights. despite the fact that your brain is the member most complex in humans, but if you trained him, like the rest of your muscles, can ease the contraction. Although the training process is somewhat different, but the concept of systematic attention stays the same, and almost similar to the allocation of time you spend in the game room, or lifting weights, or a walk, which helps to ensure the health fixed, we also need to train our brain.
You might ask yourself: Is it possible to train a wimp that really affects the brain and my intention to compensate for the loss of the crust? First, it is important to say as we have noted previously that there is an inherent variability, and may require training of some individuals more than others to achieve a level comparable to their peers. Regardless of this, the current evidence suggests that adults enjoy, on an individual level, the ability to change the structure of production of new brain growth. In fact, the researchers from the University of Hong Kong to make the adults involved in the task of learning a simple (similar to those used with children, with one simple adjustment), offering a colorful card and asks the participants to determine the name of the color, resulting in the growth of nervous. Researchers adjusted the task to provide the names of each of the vehicle colors shown, then make the participants learn the new names for later. Photos participants of university students MRI before three days of training, which consisted of five sessions the whole period of only two hours. It is worth noting that the magnetic resonance images that have been implemented after the training showed that all of the nineteen participants may have developed a new gray matter in the left half of their brains (mainly visual cortex) in this period is very short. What should be seen also on these results is that the job did not require effort or a lot of time, noting that the element of the job is important to the seriousness of the names of the words associated with colors are known, with the introduction of new names for the standard colors, it took new links, facilitated the need to re-learn the links , by contrast, thought that they stimulate the growth of the brain. Is also important to note that these participants were not children, proves that it can be seen in the growth of real people nervous adults.