
all easy scholarships

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Showing posts with label 000. Show all posts

borrower owing $33,000

The graduating class was by most accounts, the most indebted in history, with the average borrower owing $33,000. With this in mind, students are seeking more and more financial aid through scholarships. But where to go first? There are far too many available scholarships to ever compile a definitive list of “the” Top 50 College Scholarships, a list that would likely be almost entirely made up of graduate fellowships. Instead, the list that follows focuses on merit or competition-based scholarships that are available to almost anyone.

Anthem Essay Contest – $2,000

Deadline: 3/20/14
Ages: 14-16 Years 
The Anthem Essay Contest is open to 8th, 9th and 10th grade students.
To be eligible for this award, you must write an essay of no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words on a topic about Ayn Rand’s novelette, “Anthem.”
The winning essay must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the philosophic meaning of “Anthem.”
Essays are judged on both style and content.

Weekly Scholarship $1,000

Even better than once-a-month is once-a-week. Granted, the Zinch.com weekly scholarship is not as simple as merely filling out basic information about yourself, it’s almost that simple.

All U.S. high schools  and college students are eligible for this $1,000 scholarship. All it requires is filling out a short form about yourself and answering an unusual question in 280 characters or less (similar to the Twitter-standard of characters). The question changes weekly.

 This week’s question, for example, is:

Greek historian Plutarch once wrote, The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. Explain what that quote means to you.

You can apply every week, once a week. Have fun with it.

Superpower Scholarship

Want a scholarship that is fun and easy? Here it is! Just tell ScholarshipExperts.com who your favorite superhero or villain is (or make one up) and you could win $2,500 for college.

Just be sure your answer is in 250 words or less (a paragraph) and submit your online application before the March 31 deadline.

 Anyone 13 years or older can apply.Life would be a lot simpler if we all had a magic genie to make our college expenses disappear, but unfortunately,
 that’s not going to happen. Hopefully,
 these easy scholarships will get you started and will help motivate you to try some other programs, too. Remember.

you don’t have to be a rocket-scientist or a brilliant writer to win scholarships, but you do need to apply.